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Thursday, 17 March 2016

Lush Tea Tree Toner Tab

Many of you may know that I am a self-confessed Lush addict, and that I will happily spend a large chunk of my wages in Lush at the beginning of each month…(and then maybe go on to regret it when I’m low on cash with 3 weeks to the next pay day!)  I love that all of their products are cruelty free, and that they are made mostly from pure and natural ingredients.  You probably already know that my skin is sensitive and so because of this, I need to be really careful when it comes to what I’m applying to it to avoid any breakouts.  Around about five months ago, I discovered the Lush Tea Tree Toner Tabs online, and I was intrigued as to how they worked.  There were lots of good reviews about them when I flicked through them all, and so decided to go ahead and purchase a couple.  They’re priced at just £1 each, and for what they do I think that is a super bargain!

The idea of the Toner Tab is to use it to “steam your face” and to open and cleanse your pores.  I like to take a bowl and pour in some hot boiling water, grab the toner tab and drop it in.  I then get myself a towel, cover my head with it and hold my freshly washed face over the bowl for around 10 minutes to feel the results.  The tea tree works a treat for this as your skin feels all tingly when you’re sitting using it, and we all know that tee tree is great for tackling those pesky breakouts!

I was really excited to learn that many people kept the water after they had used the tab for steaming.  Many people said that they bottled it and kept it in the fridge for around a week and used it daily as a toner.  With that being discovered, I went out and purchased myself a small travel sized spray bottle and followed in their footsteps.  Although I don’t keep my one in the fridge, nor do I only use it for just the one week (it probably lasts me around about a month each time) – I’ve found it to work just as effectively as any other toner that I have used in the past.  The Tea Tree is still fresh with every use, and although it can leave my skin feeling a little dry on days when it’s being particularly bad – it’s nothing that cannot be fixed with a little bit of extra moisturising. 
Clear skin... for now
Since switching my regular toner water for a Lush toner tab, I’ve saved myself an extra few pennies every month, which probably goes towards other Lush goodies when I splurge!  I feel that it had made an improvement to my skin, especially when I use the tab for steaming.  A ten minutes steam followed by a really good exfoliation and sometimes a pore strip or two, and my skin looks clean and fresh until the next session.
Have your tried out any of the Lush toner tabs?
Until the next one,

Lauren x

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