Stay Connected

Monday, 9 October 2017

A Crazy Couple of Months

You'll have noticed that I've been very absent over the last couple of months, so I thought I would explain before jumping back into the blogging bandwagon!

First things first, I broke my laptop.  It's still broken, however I will be getting it fixed, or purchasing a new one, very soon.  My point is, I got kinda lazy.  I've been borrowing my brothers one on and off since my last post, but it's so slow and I just couldn't be bothered waiting the 20 minutes to get it up and started each time I wanted to blog.  Lazy, I know!  

Secondly, I got a new job!  I'm no longer a slave to retail *praise the lord!*  It was a super scary move for me because this job was kind of offered to me randomly, it wasn't something I'd ever consider doing, however, I felt like it was the exact move I needed to make to push me out of my comfort zone completely and to help me find out what it is that I exactly want to do with myself.  It was 100% the best decision for me, I absolutely love my new job, and whilst I still miss some people at my old one, I can safely say that I'll never miss the uncertainty of hours, uncertainty of my job description nor do I miss the bad vibes and atmosphere that so often filled the place.  I'm officially rocking this new work routine - and so now it's so easy for me plan things around my rota and to use my time for effectively.

Another aspect that I let get in the way of my blogging time was my new business with Arbonne.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE it and everything that it has to offer for me, however during my first couple of months I got super absorbed in it and I kind of let the blog slip whilst I was figuring out what I was doing.  Arbonne is still my safety net, my plan B and a great source of fun - however my blog is taking back the number one focus!

That's pretty much all I have to say.  Having had this little break has given me the chance to plan a lot of different ideas in my mind for the blog, now it's time to put pen to paper and bring these ideas to life!  I'm on holiday this week, totally milking this birthday week thing, and so I'll be using this time to get organised and ready to go! Expect to see a lot of things popping up over the next couple of months...

Here is to a productive end of the year! 

Until the next one,

Lauren X

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