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Thursday, 28 April 2016

What I'm Watching Right Now

I go through phases when I’m either not watching anything at all on TV, or TV is all that I’m doing.  With uni coming to an end for the year, and everything starting to quiet down a little, I’ve been catching up on all of my favourite TV programmes so that I’m ready to start the new series.  Here’s what I’m watching right now!

Better Call Saul
I was a huge Breaking Bad fan during 2014/2015 after I was gifted the entire boxset for Christmas one year.  I would highly recommend giving Breaking Bad a whirl if you haven’t done so already, it’s a bit slow to begin with – but definitely worth the wait for the hype!
Better Call Saul is equally as good as Breaking Bad, I was instantly hooked from the first episode.  I’m now on season two, and now that I’m approaching the end to the season – I’m really excited about the story to unfold.  I finished Breaking Bad about a month before Better Call Saul aired, so I pretty much started it from the get go.   I’m not convinced that you need to have seen Breaking Bad to follow this series, there have been a few funny moments that you wouldn’t get without having seen it – but overall it’s its own thing.  Really gripping, cheeky and funny, I’d totally recommend to anyone looking for a new series to binge watch!

Fear the Walking Dead
I am one of the biggest Walking Dead fans, I started watching from the beginning around about when season three started to air, and I’ve been hooked ever since.  I was both super excited and very sceptical when I heard that they were making a spin off for it, as I knew it was going to be either totally amazing or totally pants.  I had been super excited for Z Nation to start because the adverts looked really promising – but I didn’t even make it past the first episode. 
I got Fear the Walking Dead season one for Christmas past, and was totally heartbroken to find that there was only six episodes to the entire season.  Alas, I started it in February and made my way through the season in about 4 sittings.  Unlike The Walking Dead, this series gives you a lot more insight into each of the characters before the zombie virus starts to break out.  It a different approach to the whole zombie vibe, and I really enjoyed the series from start to finish.   You get taken right to the beginning before everything breaks out, meeting a lot of different types of characters along the way.   It’s nowhere near as brutal as The Walking Dead (yet), but I’m already hooked and I think that they have the potential to make this as big.  Season two has already started, but I’ve not managed to catch it yet as the BT box is located in the living room.  This is going to be my next viewing for when I finish uni, and I’m really excited to see how they’re going to pick up from where they left off.
Game of Thrones
It’s back!  It’s back and it looks like it’s going to be one of the most dramatic seasons yet.  I really hope it’s false, but I’m led to believe that this is going to be the second last season for GOT… *cries*
I started watching as season four aired, and I can honestly say that there has never been a tv show that has caused me so much emotional trauma as this one!  I’m not going to say anything out this week’s episode, because I for one would be mad as hell if anyone ruined it for me.  What I will say is that if you haven’t started watching this series and are thinking about giving it a go, or you’re in the middle of playing catch up as we speak – GET ON IT QUICKER!  I sense that this particular season is going to cause a lot of controversy and online drama as the weeks go on. 
My boyfriend and I watched two episodes of this back in January if I recall correctly, and for some reason we just haven’t got back into it yet.  As we can only watch Fear the Walking Dead at my house, Vikings will be the one we go for when we stay at his, once I’ve handed in the last of my uni course work for the year!  Both episodes were exciting and chilling, kind of like Game of Thrones but with only two episodes under my belt, I can’t really say much more.  It wasn’t one I was crazy about seeing, but it actually looks like it had the potential to be amazing.  Watch this space…

What are you watching right now? 

Until the next one,

Monday, 25 April 2016

Soap and Glory Endless Glove

After picking up a bottle of the Vitamin C 3 in 1 facial wash a free weeks back, I’ve been checking out the Soap and Glory section of the Boots stores more often now, to see if anything takes my fancy.  I’ve always been a sucker for their fragrances, so usually my mission is to pick them up when they’re on a three for two deal.  This time round, I wasn’t so lucky with the fragrances – I did however mange to pick myself up a bottle of the Endless Glove Moisture Mask and Hand Cream.  Even when my eczema isn’t bad, my hands can get really dry and gross looking – so I like to make sure that I have a good hand cream in my hand bag at all times.  I love the Sugar Crush body butter by Soap and Glory, so I imagined that this would be just as good.  That and the fact that it was only £1.15 for the 125ml bottle (me and my bargains right?!) – I was sold.
What I like about this product is that it looks more like a body lotion than a hand cream when you apply it.  Hand creams tend to be quite thick, meaning that they take a while to soak up as you’re rubbing it in.  As this mixture is really quite runny, you don’t need to use a lot and it rubs in incredibly well, really quickly.  It’s a huge bottle in comparison to the sizes I normally buy (50ml) so this one is going to last me a really long time! 
What strikes me the most about Endless Glove is the smell, it’s absolutely beautiful – like most Soap and Glory products are!  It’s extremely fruity, with a little touch of floral coming through,  It was only when I took it home and read the packaging properly did I notice that it’s the same scent as the Frutigo body mist.  It’s not too overpowering, and I really like that throughout the day, I catch whiffs of it every now and again.  It’s a really long lasting scent, which is exactly up my street.  I have a phobia of smelling bad, so I’ve always got lots of nice smellies kicking about in my handbag to ensure that it doesn’t happen.  This will make the perfect edition to my collection.
The moisture mask isn’t something that I will use in this particular product, as I like to have full function of my hands at night at all times.  I can picture myself applying the cream and the gloves, and then trying to use my phone or read a book at get frustrated because it’s taking me longer to do it.  It’s just not up my street at all – right now anyway.  Give me five or ten years, maybe I’ll be cursing myself then when my hands look like dried up prunes.  I can tell you though that when applied just throughout the day, my hands do feel instantly hydrated and really smooth, especially my palms and fingers.  It’s a great hand cream over all, and if possible I will be stocking up on some more while they are so cheap!

What’s your favourite Soap and Glory product right now?  Let me know below!

Until the next one,

Friday, 22 April 2016

Catastrophe Cosmetic

So after running out of all of my last Lush facemask, and having manged to save up a total of 13 black pots since the festive period, I decided that it was time to trade in five of them in exchange for one of their fresh facemasks.  Not sure what I was l would come away with seeing at I headed in the day before their weekly delivery, I was delighted to find that they had several pots of Catastrophe Cosmetic, which is one that I have had in the past and very much enjoyed.
Catastrophe Cosmetic is packed with lovely ingredients including blueberries, rose, calamine and chamomile which when are mixed together in this concoction make a gorgeous smell, which I think is exactly like Parma Violet sweeties!
For best results, I recommend using this mask on freshly washed skin – I know that some people like to apply a light moisturiser beforehand, but I personally feel that this would prevent some of the benefits on the mask.  One of the things that I love most about this product is that it is perfect for problematic skin like mine.  I enjoy it because my eczema causes my face to dry out abnormally quickly – and I always need to apply a moisturiser straight after I wash my face.  All of the ingredients help to soothe my skin, especially the areas around my mouth and eyes, as these tend to be the places that suffer the most during a breakout.  As my eczema had been acting up this last couple of weeks, it was really nice to be able to apply a facemask that was beneficial to my skin – but not harsh enough to cause it any irritation. 
This fresh face mask is a very thick mixture, which although is very nice for when you’ve applied it to your face and are enjoying that chill time during the treatment - because it is so thick I find that it can be a little difficult to apply to the skin, as large pieced tend to clump off as you rub it in.  To avoid this, I recommend applying a little at a time and rubbing it in as much as possible to avoid any wastage.
The one main problem that I do have with this mask is that it tends to flake off as it is drying – sometimes even before it has dried in completely.  I like to wear any facemask for around 15-20 minutes at a time, however I have come to find that this mask tends to only be suitable for around a 10 minute session before it starts to flake away.  That being said, I really do enjoy washing this mask off, as when you start to run away at it with the water, it turns into a beautiful paste like consistency which feels really moisturising and smells amazing!  When washed off completely, I don’t even feel the need to grab at my moisturiser the second it is washed off, which is unusual for my bad skin.  Even better yet, I’ve found that this mask instantly makes any angry blemishes look slightly less irritated, which is always a boost!  This mask will always make a return in my fridge whenever my skin starts to act up, as it is the perfect way to soothe any irritation and add a little more moisture!

What’s your favourite fresh facemask at the moment?

Until the next one,

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Grounded Coffee Body Scrub

This week I received a lovely little packet of the new Grounded Coffee Body Scrub in the post after I signed up for a product tester sample a few weeks back.  I was delighted to find that they had sent me a sample of the Chocolate Orange scrub, as chocolate orange is my all-time favourite flavour/scent.  Chocolate orange chocolate, chocolate orange candles, chocolate orange Beanies, you name it, I’ve probably had it.  I have read a lot of good things about the Coconut Grounded Scrub, as that one was specifically designed to cater for eczema prone skin, however seeing as my flare up has calmed down after a trip to the docs and a nutritionist (more to follow later) – I was still keen to give myself a good scrubbing with this bad boy!

The Chocolate Orange Scrub smells absolutely delicious before you even open up the pack, surprisingly stronger notes of chocolate orange rather than coffee itself.  Upon opening, the scrub was extra fine coffee graduals, which I was absolutely delighted to find as I knew that it wouldn’t be too harsh on my skin. This scrub is packed with lots of anti-oxidants too which helps the skin to restore itself, which is perfect for my skin right now as it is recovering from a breakout. 
On reading the packet prior to use, I noticed that it was advised to use a generous amount, scrub in circular motions for several minutes and then leave on for approx. ten minutes for best results.  I’m not crazy about the whole jumping in the shower, applying a product and then jumping back out of the shower to chill thing.  It’s cold out there.  I dry up like a prune.  I don’t enjoy it.  I think I managed about five minutes before I gave up, long enough to take a semi decent photograph anyways.  The results were still great none the less.  I used around half of this sample pack on the first use, as I found that a little went a long way with the scrub.  Although very loose and messy, I didn’t think that there was a lot of wastage as I applied it, which of course is great news!  The scrub kind of sticks to your skin when it’s wet, making it easier to apply evenly too.  After rubbing in the scrub, I washed my hands of the excess coffee and jumped out the shower for the five minutes.  My hands felt amazingly smooth straight away, which I guess would make sense because scrubbing away at my hands isn’t something that I do very often, if ever really. 
Five minutes later, I got back in the shower and washed away the excess scrub from myself, which actually wasn’t as messy as I thought it was going to be.  It pretty much washed away with next to no effort, leaving behind fresh and super smooth buffed skin!  The scent of the chocolate orange didn’t stick around much longer after this point, but as the scent was so prominent at the time of use, I guess we can let them off!
Grounded Coffee Scrubs now retail in Boots stores for £15 a bag, which from what I’ve seen is definitely a bargain for your money!  The sample pack that I received was enough for two decent uses, and the standard bags contain a LOT more.  I think I’ll be treating myself to the Coconut scrub sometime in the near future!

Have you tried out any of the Grounded range yet? 

Until the next one,

Saturday, 16 April 2016

What I’ve Learnt Doing a Two + Two Course

Back in 2013 I started my studies as a media student at Aberdeen College.  I left school near the beginning of my 6th year, and worked near enough full time until the following August when the new semester started.  Over the course of that year, I lost contact with a lot of people I spent a lot of time with at school.  So when I started college, it was pretty daunting to me to think that I was about to join a group of people I didn’t know and spend the next two years with them working towards a HND.  It was near enough a year gap that I had between leaving school and starting college, so I was just about getting used to doing my own thing when the term started.  Granted, college was probably two of the best years that I’ve ever had – and I met a lot of great people through my course, as well as learning loads to do with the industry.  When I started my course, I went in with an open mind in regards to what it was I wanted to do at the end of my studies.  Because the course covered so many different aspects of the industry, it really helped me to narrow down where I wanted to specialise.  
I don’t know why, but there seems to be a sort of stigma around the whole idea of going to college before university.  Almost as though you’re at college because you’re not clever enough for uni?  That’s the impression I got for the whole two years I was there anyway.  Which, I would like to point out now – is not the case AT ALL.  I don’t know how many times I’d bump into old friends and when they asked how uni was going, and I corrected them to college, they’d look at me as if to say “oh…right.”  I can tell you now that college was probably five times more stressful and hectic than uni this past year has been.  No exaggeration.  College was crazy busy.  And now, coming to the end of my first year of uni, I confirm that I have learned nothing new in regards to the industry, all of my knowledge that I have now came from my college course.

Having spent the last year at uni studying media at third year entry, I’ve learned a lot about myself and what it is that I now want to do.  I've also realised a few things about how uni and college work too...
Whether you are at college or university, you’re about to meet your friends for life.  You can’t possibly make your way through those three to four years of studying alone – so put on your friendly making face and pick ‘em good.  Those guys aint going nowhere without you *hi Kirsty*

If like me you picked the adjacent course to your pals from college and you’re going into your uni classes alone – it could be a long semester for you.  I’m not the most social person out there,  so I’m not great at mixing in with people when I know I’m one of the newbies – the outsider.  Uni cliques are strong I tell you. Thankfully, the PR and Media classes merged into one by semester two, so I wasn’t a total loner.  What I’m trying to say is, if you are or are capable of making yourself more social, do it at the beginning.

College was crazy busy, usually with all of the deadlines coming in at the same time.  There was weeks in the build up to the end of term when we would have a report, assessment, presentation and then part of our graded units to hand in too.  Madness I tell you.  Third year uni?  Piece of cake in comparison.  My third year studies have consisted of a total of four classes; one exam, two presentations, three individual reports, three group reports and a six week placement.  I don’t think I’ve ever had such a chill year of study in my whole life!  Granted the exam was daunting – but I did it *fist pump*
Uni is not for everyone, I’ve since come to realise.  So don’t feel pressured into spending the next four years of your life doing something that you’re not crazy about.  Get a job.  Volunteer.  Do something you enjoy! 

What are your plans for after uni?

Until the next one,

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

HydraQuench Cream Mask

Christmas past, I was gifted a beautiful Clarins gift set from my lovely boyfriend.  I’m not one to typically go and treat myself to really expensive brands like Clarins, and so it was nice to receive such a luxurious little pamper set.  Inside included a body lotion, hand cream a bath oil (which I am yet to use) and a facemask.
The HydraQuench facemask was whipped out from my beauty products stash early last week, after a number of days of really dry skin.  Although I’m extremely lucky and don’t have eczema breakouts across my face, when it does break out everywhere else like right now, it makes my face super tight and really uncomfortable.  So I decided that enough was enough, and I was ready to give this bad boy a shot at hydrating my mug.
Normally I wouldn’t go for a mask that has the sole purpose of hydrating the skin, as typically I use plenty of heavy duty moisturisers all year round to keep my skin nice and smooth – however as this was a gift, I was never not going to try it out!  I used about a  grape sized amount to cover the whole of my face and part of my neck, and applied using a cotton ball.  The mask is a thick, creamy and easy to apply – it literally soaked right into the skin seconds after being applied which was great.  The bottle recommends to wear for 5-10 minutes at a time, which I was a bit dubious about as I usually wear masks for around 20 minutes a go. However, I followed the instructions on this occasion and was very pleasantly surprised.  Five minutes into the application, my skin felt the best it had all week!  It was soft, looked super hydrated and overall just looked an awful lot healthier than it had previously in the day – which is fantastic results for the sake of a five minute application.  A further five minutes later, I soaked my cotton ball in some of my Lush Toner and swiped it across my skin to remove the mask.  It was hard to tell if I had managed to get it all off, as the mask totally disappeared within a minute of applying, but I don’t think leaving any extra residue of this particular product would cause you any major harm overnight. 
After use, my skin looked and felt amazing – leaving me curious as to how much a bottle would cost if I wear to consider buying when I run out of this one.  Alas, I was left disappointed at the price of £33 for a 75ml bottle.  Although I actually loved this product and was really pleased with the results – I can’t bring myself to part with £33 for a singular beauty product.  I’m cheap, I know. This time, it won’t be something that I will be buying anytime soon unless 1. It drops in price dramatically by the time I finish this bottle or 2. I come across another gift set featuring HydraQuench at a reasonable price.  I would however highly recommend this bad boy for anyone who’s feeling the treat yo’ self-vibe, or if your skin is in desperate need of some tlc.  I for one will not be taking hydrating masks for granted ever again!

What’s your favourite Clarins product right now?

Until the next one,

Monday, 11 April 2016

Bath Bombs for Dry Skin

So I’ve only gone and done it again – I’ve been into town to visit my local Lush store TWICE now this month, and both times treated myself to a cheeky number of purchases.  I’ve been reading up on all of the bath bombs these last few months – as this was something that I had always tried to stay clear of.  I was never really one to enjoy a bath for many years, that was until I discovered the many Instagram accounts for Lush products, all of which contain beautiful pictures of bath art.  I was a firm believer that having a bath would only dry my skin out further – my eczema can get really bad from time to time (now being one of those times), and even a short shower is enough to make my skin dry up like an old raisin. 

Alas, after flicking through the Lush mag ten too many times, and religiously reading up on each and every bath bomb further on the Lush app, my detective skills have proven me wrong once again.  Like many of their other products, Lush have a number of bath products that are designed to soothe the skin and leave them feeling soft, silky and refreshed.  With my skin being as red, sore and inflamed these last couple of weeks, I did the whole treat yo self thing and picked up five bath bombs to try out, in a bid to make me feel  better.

Avobath - “feed the skin and the soul”
This bomb is made with avocado, which is packed with essential fatty acids – which is what us folks with dry skin really need!  I read lots of reviews about this particular bath bomb, as this is one of the slightly more expensive ones at £3.50 a go.  It was however one of the best £3.50 purchases I have made in a very long time!  Avobath smells absolutely gorgeous from the moment you drop it in the bath, it releases lots of citrus scents alongside the unmistakable smell of bergamot.  The scents were really enjoyable and gave me an instant feeling of being alert and awake – the app even recommends using in the morning to give you that morning boost. Once emerged in the water, it turns your bath a beautiful fresh green colour, which I enjoyed because I had assumed that any bath bomb designed for dry skin would be plain and basic – which little to no excitement.  When in the tub, the water felt really silky and my skin began to feel really soothed the longer I soaked.  When I got out and applied the copious amounts of moisturiser to myself, my skin felt super fresh and appeared less irritated which was great – and I didn’t even need to go for a cold shower that evening either!  This is one that I will be buying for every time my skin is feeling meh.

Butterball – “for delicious looking skin”
When I spied that this little beauty was the perfect partner for dry and irritated skin - I grabbed two to go as they were only £2.65 each!  These little white bombs smell good enough to eat, which I believe is down to the ylang ylang oil that they use for the calming and relaxing properties.  Butterball is filled with delicious cocoa butter, which makes the water feel silky smooth as if you are legitimately soaking in a bath of the stuff!  Unlike Avobath, when I got out of the bath my skin actually felt as though it had be properly nurtured, and I felt that I had be actively coated in cocoa butter.  Although I applied my moisturiser as normal, on this occasion I probably could have gotten away with leaving it for a while as my skin really felt super good, and smelt totally delicious.  It truly is an amazing little pick me up, and it was so good that my boyfriend ended up pinching one of mine, as well as getting some of his own after!

Golden Egg – “Good as Gold”
This one was more of an Easter treat to myself, I didn’t really pick it up for it skin perking purposes – however I was fully aware of the fact that it is jam packed with cocoa butter – hence why I got two!  This bath melt left the bath water silky smooth and glittery – which evidently made my skin silky smooth and glittery too!  The room filled with a beautiful toffee scented fragrance, which was to die for.  As this is an Easter buy, I’ll certainly purchase another couple before they’re done for the year – as although not as effective as Butterball, it was nice to soak in some cocoa butter, as have a pretty looking bath to sit in!

What’s your favourite Lush bath bomb?

Until the next one,

Friday, 8 April 2016

What’s on my playlist?

I’ve always been one to have a very varied taste of music ever since I got my hands on my first ever iPod.  I’ve never been one to only like one particular genre of music, and these days my Spotify account consists of everything from Justin Timberlake to Slipknot… which I actually find a little bit funny and a tad disturbing if I’m completely honest.  Here are some of my favourite bands and songs at the moment…

Bring Me The Horizon – I absolutely adore their latest album Throne, alongside their previous one Sempiternal .  I saw them live at Leeds festival last year and they were absolutely fantastic, making them a firm favourite of mine right now.
Bring Me The Horizon at Leeds 2015
You Me @ Six – Having been a fan of their music since I was 14 years old, YM@S  is a band that I often stray away from and then fall in love with all over again nearly every single year.  Right now Cold Night, Room to Breathe and Bite my Tongue are my top three from the group, which I am often listening to on repeat!  Sadly I have not seen them  live in action yet, however they are one of the bands on my to see list for this year and next.

PVRIS - Their single St Patrick was released just a couple of months before I discovered that they were another band that I would get to see at Leeds last year, and ever since then their album White Noise has had a permanent spot in my top playlist.  After having to give up the chance to see them in Glasgow this week due to my poor budgeting skills whilst on placement, I’ve been over playing my favourite songs Holy, St Patrick and Smoke these last couple of weeks to try and ease the pain.  It’s not working, however it is making me more determined to 1. See them next time they tour Scotland and 2. Work harder on my budgeting for gigs.

The 1975 – last November my sister and I traveled to Edinburgh to see these guys, and ever since then I’ve been totally mesmerised by their stuff.  Don’t get me wrong, I was a big fan before, but they were so spot on that night that I’ve had the entire of The 1975 album on my playlist ever since!

And the random ones – I’m always chucking random songs into my playlist, and most of the time they are songs from the charts.  This week, I’ve been listening to:
DNCE – Cake By The Ocean, Nick Jonas – Levels, The Chain-smokers - Roses, Justin Timberlake – SexyBack, Wolf Alice – Moaning Lisa Smile, Bruno Mars – Locked Out Of Heaven, Mumford and Sons - The Wolf
Of course, my taste in music doesn’t stop there – but these are my favourites at the moment and the most played ones on my playlist too.

What's on your playlist right now?

Until the next one,

Lauren x

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Shills Deep Cleansing Black Purifying Peel-off Mask

One of the best things about having four sisters is that whenever they buy new beauty products, they usually (and a strong emphasis on the usually here) are down for letting me try it out too!  So when Kayleigh produced a peel off black head mask from one of her parcels last month – and stated that it was okay for me to try it out too – I was both keen yet sceptical. 
The Shills Deep Cleansing Black Purifying Peel-off Mask is currently priced at £2.86 for a 50ml bottle on Amazon – which is where my sceptical thoughts were lurking.  I was convinced that this was going to be a cheap and nasty rip off of the JorgObe Peel-off Mask which is priced at £22 for 100ml, and so I didn’t have very high hopes for the product from the get go.  Never the less, me and the siblings gave it a go anyway – and here is how we got on!
The mask was really easy to apply to the face with little to no mess at all, as it poured from the tube no problem and smoothed over the skin quite the thing.  I applied the mask over my nose, cheeks and my chin on my first use – making sure that I had applied enough to ensure it would be easy to remove but not so much that it would take ages for it to dry.  I simply waited for it to dry which only took about 15-20 minutes.  During this time, you could see that the mask was seeping into each and every single one of your pores, which was both a little bit satisfying but mostly very gross.  20 minutes later, the mask was ready to remove – which was either going to reveal the most pathetic peel off mask ever – or leave me horrified by the contents on the sheet.

I am both pleased and sickened to report that it was in fact very effective.

I started by peel from either side of the patches on my chin, nose and cheeks and pulling them towards the center until it came off completely.  I didn’t find this to be any more unpleasant than removing a regular pore strip, however I’ve read a few reviews since then when people have stated it caused them great discomfort.  I guess it depends on what you consider painful – but it certainly didn’t hurt me. 
The results of the mask were very much surprising, and very grossly satisfying.  Although I am aware that I still have blackheads in these areas – they are definitely not as noticeable anymore after just a couple of uses, and I have noticed a significant change in my skin too, as have my sisters.  I didn’t think it was appropriate to share any pictures, as well that’s just really gross, however I really don’t think that I could recommend this product enough.  The 50ml tube has done eight uses already, with still plenty in the bottle for further use.  And that fact that the bottle costs just £2.86 with free delivery – it’s a total bargain for the results that you get!  I've already ordered one for me - and one for my boyfriend too!

What’s the best pore mask that you’ve tried out?
Until the next one,

Lauren x

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Lush Cup O’ Coffee Facemask

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I am a self-confessed coffee addict.  I love everything about it – the look, the smell, the taste.  Everything.  So it shouldn’t really come as a surprise when I say that after discovering that Lush had a self-preserved coffee based facemask on sale – I put it to the top of my Lush hit list.  It took a couple of trips into town to get my purchase, as it would appear that this particular mask is a popular one in Aberdeen.  I can totally see why now, as this is my absolute new favourite Lush mask! 
Cup O’ Coffee is the mask that you need in your life if you like to exfoliate like me! I feel a need to give my face a good scrubbing when I wash it (you can read about a really good exfoliating cleanser by clicking here), and so anytime that I do use a facemask – I tend to give my face a scrub with an alternative product after… just for good measure.  The ground up coffee beans used in this mask are just perfect for this, as the particles are so, so fine that you can safely scrub away at your skin without having to worry about actually causing it any harm.
Cup O’ Coffee comes in one of Lush’s little black pots, and when you open it up you get the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee.  The mixture is light brown in colour, and is really runny and wet when in the tub.  When you scoop the mask out to apply to your face, it’s a really sticky constituency – but yet is super easy to smooth across your face.  What I really like about applying it is that you can give your skin as scrub as you apply it.  I like to use a semi generous amount over my face and leave it on anywhere between 10-25 minutes at a time.  This mask doesn’t dry or harden as you wear it, which is great because it makes it so much easier to wash off.  When I’ve given my skin its coffee fix, I use some warm water to rinse it off, scrubbing as I go to give my skin a really good exfoliation.  After use, my skin looks as though it’s just been given a new lease of life!   Sometimes I swear its glowing.  It also makes my skin  feel really smooth and clean – especially around my nose where I tend to get the blackhead breakouts. 
This mask is priced at just £6.75 for 150g (just like Mask of Magminty, which you can read about further down!), which is a total bargain for the quality of the product you are getting.  I picked up my tub of Cup O’ Coffee back in January and have only now just finished it back in  March – so for three months’ worth of facemask, I’m definitely not going to complain!  I’m looking forward to my next pay day treats, so I can stock up on another tub of this god send, as well as some other cheeky treats!

Have you tried out any of the Lush self-preserved face masks yet?

Until the next one,

Lauren x